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South/Southwest St. Louis
Pet-Friendly Rental Directory

Please notify us of any additions or corrections to the information below. This page was last modified on Friday, March 04, 2016.

Additional properties are currently being researched for inclusion on this page. The following properties are listed by zip code.

Residence Dogs Cats Pet Deposit Required Add'l Monthly Rent For Pets Notes
Small/ Medium Dogs Large Dogs Breed Restrictions Allowed Declawing Required
Greenmar Apartments
1054 Greenmountain Ct.
Fenton, MO 63026
25 # limit. No. No. Yes. No. $300.00. $150.00 refundable $20.00. One-pet limit
Autumn Oaks Apartments
1102 Autumn Creek Way
Valley Park, MO 63088 636-225-5511
$35.00 limit. No. Non-aggressive. Yes. No. $300.00 Non -refundable. $20.00. One-pet limit
Carolini Apartments
2729 Park Ave.
St. Louis, MO 63104
20 # limit. No. Non-aggressive. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.  
Aboussie Pavilion
4627 Ridgewood
St. Louis, MO 63116
Yes. No. Non-aggressive. Yes. Yes. $300.00 refundable. No. One-pet limit.
Georgetown of St. Louis
7880 Chatwell Dr.,
Webster Groves, MO 63119.
Yes. 60 # limit. Non-aggressive. Yes. No. $300.00.
$20.00. Two-pet limit.
Stanford Place
9313 Manchester Rd.,
Webster Groves, MO 63119.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes.  
Jefferson Townhomes
333 Tuckahoe Dr.,
Lemay, MO 63125.
Yes. 75 # limit. Non-aggressive. Yes. Yes. $295.00
No. Two-pet limit
All must be S/N.
Taravue Park Apartments
3975 Taravue Ln.,
Lemay, MO 63125.
Yes. 35 # limit. Non-aggressive. Yes. No. $300.00.
50% refundable
$25.00. Two cats
One dog
Suson Pines
5265 Suson Hills Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63128
Yes. No. Non-aggressive. Yes. No. $300.00. 50% refundable. $10.00-cat
. $20.00-dog
Two-pet limit.
Southpointe Apartments
9950 Pointe South Dr.,
St. Louis, MO 63128.
Yes. Yes. Non-aggressive. Yes. No aggressive dogs. Yes. No.  
Black Forest Apartments
2807 Insbruck Dr.
St. Louis, MO 63129
25 # limit. No. Non-aggressive. Yes. Yes. $200.00
$50.00 Non-refundable.
by weight
Two-cat limit.
One-dog limit.
All must be S/N
Brazilia Apartments
11294 Casa Brazilia
St. Louis, MO 63129
Yes. 40 # Limit Non-aggressive Yes. No. $300.00 Non-refundable. No. One-pet limit.
Hunter's Ridge Apartment Homes
5625 Hunter's Valley Ct.,
Mehlville, MO 63129.
Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. No. Yes. Yes. Some restrictions may apply.
Oakbrook Gardens Apartments
5010 Clayridge Dr.,
Mehlville, MO 63129.
Yes. 100 # limit. Non-aggressive. Yes. Yes. $300.00-1 pet
$400.00- 2 pets.
Under 25 #- $20.00
Over 25 # - $40.00
Two- pet limit Required S/N
South Summit
4251 Summit Knoll Dr.,
Mehlville, MO 63129.
Yes. 60 # Limit. Non-aggressive. Yes. No. $350.00.
$100.00 Non-refundable.
$20.00. Two-pet limit.
Hampton Gardens
5927 Suson Place, #2.
St. Louis, MO 63139.
Yes. 50 # limit. Non-aggressive. Yes. No. $300.00.
. 50% refundable.
$20.00. Two-pet limit.
Required S/N
7734 Bartold
St. Louis, MO 63143
No. No. N/A Yes. Yes. $200.00.
100% refundable.
$10.00. Two-pet limit.
N/A - Information not available. Please check with apartment management.

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P.O. Box 584
Chesterfield, MO  63006
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